Born in Bologna in 1967, Cesare Ferioli aka Big Mojo, drummer in the 80’s with various punk/new wave bands, among which Jack Daniel’s Lovers, with rock’n’roll roots and an album, ‘Stay out of jail’, produced by Steve Berlin from Los Lobos. In the 90’s he got involved with rock blues band Dirty Hands, working also with several other acts, like Andy J. Forest, Jr. Pitta and Junglebeat, X-Raymen, Sciacalli, Monque D Blues Band, Paul Orta and the King Pins. Since 1997 he’s been busier as DJ and composer, concentrating on his own solo project influenced by blues, jazz, funk and electronics. His debut solo album under the name of Big Mojo, ‘Ready Made’, takes him into ‘blacktronic’ territories, where he manages to merge his rock/blues/soul/funk background with electronic rhythms like House, Techno and Downtempo. Other musicians on the album include Max Ferrauto, appreciated international blues singer; Claudio Falcone and Marcus Pepper III, singer and organ player with Blue Eyed Soul Team (B.E.S.T.), well known among the mod/northern soul community; Ricardo Phillips, lead singer of hip hop reggae act Amsterdam Street Knowledge; Marco Gisfredi, one of the most famous Italian blues guitarists. ‘Ready Made’ is produced by Ohm Guru and Ninfa for One Eyed Fish and includes a remix by DJ Rodriguez, legendary DJ/producer who died in 2006, old friend and colleague of Big Mojo.
venerdì 30 marzo BIG MOJO@ Fresk’o, Via della Repubblica, 3 d/e, 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena, Italy
A scuotere gli animi e a caratterizzare la serata, per questa occasione avremo l’onore di vedersi sfidare e alternarsi ai piatti un doppio DJset. Oltre al nostro inossidabile e camaleontico DJ MOD infatti, special guest della serata sarà DJ BIG MOJO, artista e produttore di IRMA®RECORDS dal lungo trascorso dietro alle consolle di tutta Italia, in un mix imprevedibile di Funky, House e Broken Beats…
Da quest’anno siamo infatti orgogliosi di aver stretto una rapporto proprio con l’etichetta discografica IRMA®RECORDS con la quale abbiamo in serbo novità e sorprese per tutti i nostri amici!
E’ proprio il caso di dire…STAY TUNED !!!
Irma Records ed Ex Forno presentano: Ohm Guru & Big Mojo.
All’interno della suggestiva cornice dei locali dell’Ex Forno del Pane, lo stesso edificio che da anni ospita la Galleria d’Arte Modena MAMbo, i due artisti di casa Irma si esibiranno in un doppio djset.
File under: soul, funk, deep, dub, afro e jazz house, lounge & chill out d’autore.