A month after the announcement of the return and the re-pressing of the two Murubutu albums, Mandibola records releases it’s first album: “Lotta Medievale” by Fetz Darko. Fetz Darko has been active for about 15 years, His are projects such as Scimmie del Deserto and GiudaFellas. “Lotta Medievale“, was conceived in the last 3 years and deals with both current issues such as NWO (New World Order), Society regression at a medieval state and some purely stylistic and metric issues related to Rap scenarios. Fetz Darko in “Lotta Medievale” counts on the collaboration of different featuring such as: Noys Narcos, Suarez, Ice One, Mistyc 1, E Green, Denay!
“Cinema Acciaio” feat. Noys Narcos anticipates the release of the July 16th.
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