The album is a concept entirely dedicated to the culture and sound of mother earth Africa with its spirit of new communication in an artistic context of research and contamination with jazz and electronic music, where the creativity of the brothers Enzo and Gianni Lo Greco aka LO GRECO BROS together with a group of tested and close-knit musicians, cross horizons ever deeper and deeper.
Like many artists of various kinds: writers, poets, composers, directors etc, even the Lo Greco Bros, have had the need to devote themselves to the African spirit in a new form and with the hope of awakening the interest of a culture where everything it is born and created for our humanity.
The sound is very close to the dancefloor culture, from the breakbeat to the house music.
News ReleasesBreakbeatCasa discografica italianaclassicdancefloorHouseIRMA RecordsLo Greco BrosSoulstance
Bellissimo, uscirà in vinile?
Ciao Maurizio, per ora non contiamo di pubblicarlo in vinile. Mai dire mai però!
Deve essere stampato su vinile PLEEASE!!!!!